Thursday, July 9, 2009

Customized Marketing

During my years as a marketing and service consultant, I learned that you have to give before you receive and that's what customized marketing is all about.

This is a simple rule and you might say, "Why, we are business persons! We are pragmatic and go straight to the point! We mail our price list or our delivery schedule to prospective customers or clients."

But that's not enough. Instead of just giving the customer the same thing that every other customer is given, why not write a small report describing what you can do for the other company and how you will do it?

Customized marketing does not mean giving away all your secrets, contacts or giving the solutions for free. It means giving your prospective customers the information they need to do business with you, and will only give you an edge over your competitors. This kind of directed, specific marketing might take a few hours of your time but you will certainly win or keep a new customer.

Remember the following:

1. 80% of your business comes from 20% of your customers;

2. Finding a new customer is harder than keeping the ones you have.

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